Receiving Function
The Common Vein copyright 2007
Receive Process Export
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
There is a continual process of receiving processing and exporting that sometimes is only for a moment in time as food get passed down the esophagus for example or an electric impulse gets passed down a nerve or muscle. In the grand and larger scheme there are certain recognizable events such as the afferent system of the nervous system where the receiving process is more discrete. The brain and spinal cord are geared toward receiving the sensory impulses from the afferent system and the the left atrium and right atrium are geared toward receiving the systemic and pulmonary venous systems. In these instsances the receiving function becomes clear. At a cellular level there are specific receptors on the cell membrane that work like a lock and key to switch on or switch off a process. This receiving function is highly discrete and recognizable.
The Nervous System
The Afferent System
Afferent System |
14798b08.800 brain anatomy physiology cerebrum cerebral autonomic nervous system central nervous system peripheral nervous system eyes ears mouth nose taste sight heart cardiovascular system respiratoty system lungs gastrointestinal system liver pancreas kidney spleen adrenals gentourinary system genitalia normal anatomy davidoff art TCV the common vein |
Eyes |
60855 eyes seeing sense sensory receiving Davidoff photography Davidoff MD |
Eyes |
49062 brain abnormal eye temporal lobe medulla vermis Chronic Infarct Posterior Putamen T2 axial Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Uploaded RP |
The Outer Ear
70276.800 ear pinna normal anatomy TCV CTscan Davidoff MD |
Outer and Inner Ear |
70273 ear stapes mastoid air sinuses pinna normal anatomy TCV CTscan Davidoff MD |
Taste and Smell |
A rope, a ring a nostril, a beard, a tongue and a reluctant horse who will not budge. Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 02134p code accessory interesting Davidoff photography |
The Real Thing |
83138b02 nose physiology normal receiving smell olfactory Davidoff photography Davidoff MD |
Synaptic Cleft Requiring Chemical Transmitters eg Acetylcholine to Transmit Impulse Across Nerve Junctions
72046.800 mitochondria transmitter vesicles presynaptic terminal post synaptic terminal soma of neuron synaptic cleft acetyl choline norepinephrine dopamine serotonin forces chemical energy function principles Davidoff art Davidoff drawing Davidoff MD |
Cardiovascular System
Receiving Chambers of the Heart Left Atrium and Right Atrium |
These two images are enhanced CT images through the tricuspid valve. The first image is normal, while the second image demonstrates a TV that lies too far forward and low associated with a huge RA and a diminutive RV. This appearance is classical of a congenital condition called Ebstein’s anomaly. In this disease, the posterior leaflet is stuck down to the posterior wall of the RV and the anterior leaflet is larger than normal often giving a flapping sound to the listening ear. The anterior leaflet behaves like a flapping sail in the wind of the blood flow. Can you identify RA and TV? – see next image if you need help.Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff M.D. 32101 code heart right atrium (RA) coronary sinus fx enlarged box shape lung pulmonary congestion dx dx Ebsteins anaomaly cardiac imaging radiology CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD |
Cardiac Syncitium – Facilitating Efficient Receiving and Transmitting of Impulses |
A drawing of the histology of the myofibrils of the heart showing how they ae connected and related as a continuum enabling a coordinated contraction pattern. Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 32907 code cardiac heart muscle syncitium histology Davidoff art |
Respiratory System
Trachea – Receiving Structure for The Respiratory System |
This drawing shows the major segments of the lung together with the bronchial anatomy. Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff M.D. 32180 code RS pulmonary lung trachea bronchus bronchi lobes RUL RML RLL LUL LLL parts drawing anatomy physiology |
Mouth of the Alveolus |
This drawing demonstrates the open mouth view of the alveolus, which is surrounded by its capillary network. The liing cells can be seen peaking through the vessels. Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD.32166 code RS pulmonary lung alveolus arteriole venule epithelium drawing gas exchange anatomy physiology histology |
Gastrointestinal Tract
Mouth of the Gastrointestinal Tract |
57735.800 food mouth receiving gastrointestinal tract people normal anatomy physiology oral teeth TCV the common vein applied biology Davidoff MD Davidoff photography |
GE junction – Entry to the Stomach |
32531 esophagus epiphrenic ampulla stomach GE junction gastroesophageal junction normal anatomy 5star upper GI UGI contrast barium X-Ray imaging radiology barium swallow |
Normal Hepatopetal and Abnormal Hepatofugal Flow in the Portal Vein |
This first color flow doppler US scan of the porta hepatis shows normal hepatopetal flow in the portal vein. Courtesy Philips Medical Systems 33204 code portal vein liver normal US color doppler hepatopetal39467b01 liver portal vein hepatic artery doppler hepatofugal flow retrograde flow reversed flow dx portal hypertension dx cirrhosis USscan color flow doppler Courtesy Philips Medical Systems |
Urinary System
The Urinary System Receiving Processing and Transporting Onward |
16098 kidney renal arteriole Bownams capsule filter tubule proximal convoluted tubule distal convoluted tubule collecting tubule ureter bladder urethra drawing Davidoff art Davidoff MD |
Receiving and Exporting at Multiple Levels
71799b13b03.801 kidney glomerulus Bowman’s capsule filter normal histology anatomy function physiology affrent arteriole efferent arteriole Davidoff Art Davidoff MD |
Genital System
Copulation – Vagina Receives – Penis Exports |
54917.800 da Vinci penis vagina breast cervix uterus testicles art drawing copulation intercourse |
Vagina Cervix Uterus Fallopian Tubes Ovaries |
46376b10 pelvis uterus Fallopian tubes fimbrae uterus uterine cavity cervix vagina fornix hysterosalpingogram Davidoff MD |
Spleen – Receiving from The Splenic Artery |
22045 spleen + splenic artery + drawing anatomy physiology |